Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back in the USA

So, after a 15+ hr trip from Delhi to JFK, I am back in the USA waiting for my flight home to Portland.

Yesterday I had a nice day in Delhi, it was less sightseeing and more daily life activities which was great -- especially after 2 weeks on the go. First thing we did was enjoy one of my favorite things in India, fresh Coconut water. Once Abhi took me for one a few days back, I had to have it almost every day after that. It is so refreshing, and cheap at about 50 cents a coconut compared to the US where the drink runs for almost $4 in stores. Besides my great friends, this is something I will miss the most, I think.

We visted the Lotus Temple in Delhi -- it was very different than all other temples I saw during my trip and had more of a church feel to it.

Abhishek and Shreya took me to a really great lunch at Bukhara -- the food, which was completely vegeterian, was excellent -- one of the best meals of the trip.

After lunch Abhishek and I met with Babson friends Shweta and Chinmoy -- they are getting married this weekend in Delhi. Unfortunately, I planned my trip before I knew the dates of their wedding, so I couldn't attend -- it was nice to catch up with them though and wish them well. Here we are with Shweta.

So, here I am, back in the US. This trip was everything I had expected it to be, and more. I know it is just the beginning of many more trips to India. I am so thankful to Veer and Abhishek and their families for hosting me and showing me all the sights of their incredible country -- both of them are life long friends and it meant so much to me to be able to experience all the great things about their culture, cities, and homes.
here I am with Abhishek's family before departing for the airport.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has read/commented on this blog. It has been fun for me to update the posts, and will be a great way to remember this trip. Although I am no poet -- I hope you enjoyed the pictures and stories I was able to share. THANK YOU!

Until my next trip ----!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Sounds like it was a nice last day.

    Thanks for keeping us up to date with your blog. I really enjoyed reading your comments and seeing the pictures.

    Hope you have time to rest up for your next trip!
