Monday, November 22, 2010

TAJ and Golden Temple

I don't have a lot of time to write today. I arrived in Delhi last night at Abhishek's house where I will be staying for the duration of my trip. Last night after dinner with Abhishek's family we toured the city and visted another "Gate to India" as well as the presidents house.

The Taj Mahal was as beautiful as you would expect. The architecture is amazing. Unfortunately I brought the wrong lens with me that day and was not able to capture the entire building in one shot. Thankfully, Veer also had his camera and will be sharing his photo's with me.

Here are some pictures:

The Taj Mahal! More pictures to come.
The golden temple -- made with real gold and one of the holiest temples.

at the train station ready to get on the train to visit to golden temple.

Our train quarters -- we had a sleeper. It was an experience!

The streets of Amritsar -- the city where the golden temple was
Eating Paan in Delhi last night-- Paan is a digestive snack, it's been fun tasting it in every city.
In Delhi outside of the Presidents house and Delhi's Gate to India with Veer and Abhishek.

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