Saturday, November 13, 2010

I made it!

I arrived in Hyderbad's at Veers house last night. Overall my flight was fine. Veer had set me up nicely when I arrived at the airport, he had a security worker waiting for me at the gate -- the man escorted me through immigration and customs past all the lines and waiting. It was very nice surprise, especially since I was dreading these lines so much.

I haven't had any time to see anything yet except for some crazy driving from the airport to the house. I was expecting the driving to be a little wild as it has been this way in other places I have visited, but it still will take some getting used to.

I am just getting ready for breakfast with Veer's family. A traditional Indian breakfast. I am really looking forward to the food on this trip, even the food on the plane was great!

Here is a picture of the view outside Veers bedroom.

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