Friday, November 12, 2010

I made it to JFK -- the shortest leg of my trip. Now just trying to kill time while I wait to check in for my flight.

I thought I would post my itinerary:

Nov 13-16 - Hyderabad, India -
Nov 17-18 - Mumbai(Bombay)
Nov 19-20 - Jaipur
Nov 21 - Agra - Visit Taj Mahal
Nov 22 - Amistar - Visit the "Golden Temple"
Nov 23 -27 - Delhi

Along the way I will be touring with and meeting up with several friends from Babson who are native to India and reside there. Very excited to have them show me around their country I have heard so much about.

1 comment:

  1. this is my first blog!!! have fun bud that 9 hour lay sounds like hell but it will all be worth it. eat some of that nan(?) bread for me.
