Wednesday, November 17, 2010


After a few days without access to internet, my blog posting is back! I hope to post daily now since I know I will have internet for the duration of the trip.

On Monday Veer and I said goodbye to Hyderabad after a great stay. I really enjoyed staying at his home and experiencing a piece of his daily life. On my last night Veer's brother had a Diwali Party (one of the major indian holidays). We had lots of fun setting off fireworks!

Veer's family the morning we left -- missing is his eldest brother who no longer lives with the rest of the family.

From Hyderabad we went to Mumbai, which has a completely different feel. It is a huge city and feels like a cross between New York and LA. Veer arranged for us to stay with a friend, Rosco, who is a choreographer in Bollywood. Apparently he is fairly well known and even was a judge on the Indian version of "So you think you can dance". Bosco was nice enough to take us to a Bollywood set where they were filming a movie. Apparently the actors who were there were famous in India -- I even saw both of them in music videos/commercials on TV the next day. Being a celebrity in India isn't such a big deal as it is in the US, but I still though it was exciting. Here is a picture I snuck on the set -- you can't really see much.

Bollywood Filming -- you the actors were where the lights are shining.
Bosco, Veer and I on set

During the rest of our time in Bombay we did a lot of sight seeing. I also got a chance to catch up with another friend from Babson, Bhavin. He lives in Mumbai joined us yesterday afternoon. It's been so nice catching up with old friends and seeing them in their home environments.

Here are a few pictures from Mumbai:

Diwali Decorations
Gateway to India
Picture with Monkey on the beach - I think i paid $1 to shake it's hand.

This morning we arrived in Jaipur. I don't know much about what we will see here, but everyone says that there are some great sights. I will be sure to update this blog more often going forward. For now -- i'll leave you with view of Jaipur from my hotel room as I write this.