Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just had a nice dinner with Abhishek's entire family. It reminded me a lot of my family dinners and I was thankful to have this today. For dinner we had Vegetarian Indian Chinese (not so traditional, right?) -- it was delicious! Indian Chinese, which is India's take on chinese food is everywhere here -- it a more spiced up version of American chinese -- It is so popular I have actually had it several times over the course of this trip (including for both lunch and dinner today, by chance).

This morning Abhishek's wife Shreya took me around Delhi to run some errands and visit the monument Qutab Minar. Abhishek was at the office so it was really nice of her to take me around to tie up loose ends.

For lunch I met Aseem, another Babson friend who lives in Delhi -- Aseem had traveled with me on the Ghana trip, so it was nice to see him on this trip, this time in his own city. Speaking of Babson friends, last night we went out to a lounge and unexpectedly ran into two classmates from Babson, one from Delhi and another from Germany who was visiting him. There is a wedding of Babson friends on Friday, which I may catch a couple hours of, so there will be a good group of classmates visiting from all over -- very funny though running into these guys by chance.
With Babson Classmates Andrew and DG

Shreya- Abhi's wife and his best friend Karan - Smokehouse Grill - Delhi

1 comment:

  1. We missed you at Thanksgiving but it sounds like you had a nice day.

    That looks like a beautiful temple. Too bad you couldn't take any inside pictures. I'm actually surprised it was built so recently as I sort of thought that level of detail/grandeur was a thing of the past.
